Category: Belief

Belief Faith

Never force anything in your life

God has something better for you. All you have to do is hang in there. When you do it makes room for something else that is coming along. Life is not an attachment, it is a continuation to have different experiences in it. ~ Dom Colucci Things happen for reasons maybe …
Belief Faith God

Tears are prayers

God knows when we cry, he knows everything about us. Sometimes he may see fit to not answer your tears just then but at 62 years I certainly see why. He did not answer them on time. God will open doors you were never aware of. ~ Mary Kirton  My dad …
Belief Faith Good

When you least expect from anything

Just know that things can only get better. You will now begin to get stronger as each day passes, so spread your wings now fly. ~ Dawn Hall  Don’t expect so you will not be disappointed! Never let an opportunity embarrass you. The wait could be longer than we expect, but …
Belief Yourself

Never explain yourself to anyone

The person who understands you does not need your explanation for he believes you while the person who dislikes you will never “accept” your explanation, because he dislikes you. If the explanation given, there’s no point of explaining over and over again. That person don’t deserved to stay in your …