Belief Heart Love Relationship

A person still believes in love

A person still believes in love

The heart may be broken but love will fix it back again, have faith. ~ Teresa Sullivan

Love is always there in our hearts but it is hard to recognize if we our heart is broken because it is empowered by the negative feelings. ~ Joy Siboa

We all share this feeling of having loved someone or more than one someones that their love didn’t match ours and we got hurt and felt maybe not good enough. But thank goodness love is one of those things that feel better than anything. Keep our hearts open. ~ Cathy Somerder

Let it come towards you, don’t look for it give it time and it will come when the time is right. ~ Nancy Andrews

What is love really? It’s a word that gets used so freely. One should always love yourself, because if you can’t love you, no-one else ever will. ~ Nicola Bancroft

I’m a hopeless romantic and totally believe in true love and all the great emotions that come with it. ~ Sandy Vidal

God made somebody for everybody. Pray, faith and patience is the key to finding them. ~ Powell Ellen

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